Donations of Book Loft Items or Monetary Gifts
Books, CDs and DVDs
Monetary ContributionsΒ
Β We appreciate any monetary donations that our patrons are able to contribute.Β Β
We use Paypal to enable us to accept single contributions or regular, scheduled contributions. We are also on Venmo, listed under the charities tab.Β The Friends of the Louis Bay 2nd Library and Community Center is a 501(c)(3) organization, EIN# 22-24253135.Β Β Β
Donations by check can be made out to "Friends of Louis Bay 2nd" and mailed to the attention of the Friends at 345 Lafayette Ave., Hawthorne NJ 07506
Β Increase your Donation with Employer Matching Gifts
If your company has a Matching Gifts program, you may be able to increase your donation. Β Most companies have information about their Matching Gifts programs on their employee website, or contact your company's Human Resources department.Β Charity Navigator is a website that has a Corporate Matching Donor Program lookup tool. It appears about midway down the page: Matching Gift Lookup.
Β Additional Ways to Contribute
If you are a social media user,Β you can set up a Facebook fundraiser or Instagram fundraiser using the built in fundraiser feature of these platforms. Β Β Many people choose to post a birthday fundraiser to support a favorite charity.Β If you'd like to set up a social media fundraiser but aren't quite sure how to do so, feel free to contact us for additional guidance.Β